Author: Laurence Dahners

Laurence E. Dahners is a master of crafting science fiction and fantasy novels that weave complex characters into a tapestry of innovative ideas and futuristic explorations. With a knack for merging the plausible with the extraordinary, Dahners takes readers on captivating journeys that challenge the boundaries of imagination. His engaging storytelling and meticulous attention to scientific detail have garnered a dedicated following.

Series by Laurence Dahners

The following is a list of the series written by Laurence Dahners with the correct order of books in each series.

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Ell Donsaii

Ell Donsaii is an exhilarating journey following a prodigious young woman with an exceptional mind and athletic prowess. With a unique genetic mutation, she leaps through advancements in science and technology, while also navigating the complexities and dangers her abilities attract. Her story is a thrilling fusion of cutting-edge science fiction and gripping action, exploring the far reaches of human potential.
1. Quicker2. Smarter3. Lieutenant4. Rocket!5. Comet!6. Tau Ceti7. Habitats8. Allotropes9. Defiant10. Wanted11. Rescue12. Impact!13. DNA14. Bioterror!15. Terraform16. Transporter17. Twins18. Invasion

Hyllis Family

Embark on a thrilling journey with the Hyllis family as they navigate the challenges of possessing unusual, inherited abilities that set them apart in a world where technology and ancient secrets collide. Watch as they use their unique powers to protect themselves, solve mysteries, and face head-on the dangers that come with such gifted talents, all while trying to maintain a semblance of normal family life.
1. Telekinetic2. Teleporter3. Healers4. Telepath5. Psychicians6. Sisters7. Hood