Author: Lee Jackson

Lee Jackson plunges readers into the heart of Victorian London, weaving tales that are as intricate as the era's foggy streets. His forensic attention to historical detail and atmospheric storytelling captures the imagination, making history come alive with mystery and intrigue. Jackson's novels are a rendezvous with the past, offering a vivid exploration of crime, society, and the human condition.

Series by Lee Jackson

The following is a list of the series written by Lee Jackson with the correct order of books in each series.

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After Dunkirk

In 'After Dunkirk', bravery and turmoil collide in an epic saga of WWII's early days, where ordinary men and women find themselves in extraordinary situations. Focused on the harrowing experiences and daring exploits following the infamous 1940 evacuation, this series weaves together tales of survival, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit. A testament to the challenges faced on both the home front and the battlefield, it illuminates the lesser-told stories that shaped the course of the war.
1. After Dunkirk2. Eagles Over Britain3. Turning the Storm4. The Giant Awakens5. Riding the Tempest6. Driving the Tide7. Into the Cauldron

The Reluctant Assassin

The Reluctant Assassin series catapults readers into a world of shadows and intrigue, where a young assassin's journey of discovery intertwines with the fates of nations. With each kill, he inches closer to uncovering his true identity, but the deeper he delves, the more dangerous his world becomes. It's a thrilling ride through espionage and loyalty, where survival hinges on the blade's edge.
1. The Reluctant Assassin2. Rasputin's Legacy3. Vortex: Berlin4. Fahrenheit Kuwait5. Target: New York