Author: Leslie Mitchell

Leslie Mitchell, an author shrouded in the art of crafting vivid narratives, entices readers into worlds where each page whispers secrets of the human experience. With a pen that dances between reality and imagination, Mitchell's works resonate with those who seek depth and connection in their literary travels. Masterfully balancing the delicate threads of emotion and plot, Leslie's novels beckon to those yearning for a touch of the extraordinary in the mundane.

Series by Leslie Mitchell

The following is a list of the series written by Leslie Mitchell with the correct order of books in each series.

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Vampire Awakenings

In the shadows of the night, the Vampire Awakenings series unfolds a passionate saga of strength, love, and fierce loyalty. As each vampire comes to terms with their nature, they are thrust into a world of deadly power struggles and heart-wrenching romance. Amidst enemies and allies, the line between right and wrong blurs, but the promise of love remains eternal. This gripping series will pull you into a world where survival means embracing the darkness within.
1. Awakened2. Destined3. Untamed4. Enraptured5. Undone6. Fractured7. Ravaged8. Consumed9. Unforeseen10. Forsaken11. Relentless12. Legacy