Author: M.P. Woodward

M.P. Woodward strides into the literary world with an astounding blend of thrilling narrative and profound emotional depth. Their work often explores the intricacies of human nature against backdrops that keep readers on the edge of their seats. Woodward's ability to craft lifelike characters and immersive plotlines has quickly solidified their place among contemporary literary talents.

Series by M.P. Woodward

The following is a list of the series written by M.P. Woodward with the correct order of books in each series.

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Jack Ryan, Jr.

In the thrilling Jack Ryan, Jr. series, the torch of international intrigue and relentless action is passed to the next generation. Jack Ryan, Jr., the son of the former President of the United States and CIA legend, finds himself following in his father's formidable shadow, navigating the murky waters of espionage and global politics to uncover and thwart global threats. With each mission more perilous than the last, Ryan and his colleagues at The Campus are plunged into a world where enemies lurk at every corner, and the line between friend and foe is ever-blurring.
1. The Teeth of the Tiger2. Under Fire3. Duty and Honor4. Point of Contact5. Line of Sight6. Enemy Contact7. Firing Point8. Target Acquired9. Zero Hour10. Flash Point11. Weapons Grade12. Shadow State