Author: M S Morris

M S Morris spins a web of intrigue and mystery, drawing readers deep into the shadows of crime and suspense. With a knack for crafting compelling characters and twisty plots, Morris's work is a masterclass in keeping readers on the edge of their seats. Their novels are a blend of meticulous police work and the dark underbelly of society, making each page a journey into the unknown.

Series by M S Morris

The following is a list of the series written by M S Morris with the correct order of books in each series.

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Bridget Hart

In the heart of Oxford, Detective Inspector Bridget Hart battles her demons while solving some of the city's most perplexing crimes. As she delves into the depths of human depravity and the complexities of personal trauma, Bridget's quest for justice is as relentless as it is deeply personal. Each case brings its own set of challenges, weaving a rich tapestry of crime and intrigue that keeps her and the reader guessing until the very end.
1. Aspire To Die2. Killing by Numbers3. Do No Evil4. In Love And Murder5. A Darkly Shining Star6. Preface to Murder7. Toll for the Dead