Author: Matt Dinniman

Matt Dinniman is a master of weaving the strange and familiar into narratives that captivate and unsettle. With a particular flair for horror and dark fantasy, his stories plunge readers into worlds where the bizarre becomes the norm, and the human condition is explored at its most extreme. Dinniman's unique voice, characterized by its vivid imagery and complex characters, makes his work a standout in the speculative fiction genre.

Series by Matt Dinniman

The following is a list of the series written by Matt Dinniman with the correct order of books in each series.

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Dungeon Crawler Carl

In a world where an absurd, cosmic game turns Earth's remaining inhabitants into dungeon crawlers for alien entertainment, Carl and his sentient cat, Princess Donut, must navigate treacherous dungeons filled with monsters, traps, and loot. 'Dungeon Crawler Carl' combines dark humor, thrilling action, and a uniquely twisted plot, making every delve a desperate bid for survival in a universe that's endlessly entertaining. Will Carl outsmart his alien overlords, or will he play into their hands? Dive into this bizarre, gripping series for an adventure that defies expectations at every turn.
1. Dungeon Crawler Carl2. Carl's Doomsday Scenario3. The Dungeon Anarchist's Cookbook4. The Gate of the Feral Gods5. The Butcher's Masquerade6. The Eye of the Bedlam Bride