Author: Michael Stagg

Michael Stagg, a master of weaving intricate narratives that capture the human experience, balances the fine line between the darkness and light within us all. His storytelling, rich with deep, complex characters, invites readers on a journey through the tangled webs of life's moral quandaries. Stagg's work is not just read; it's felt, leaving a lasting impact on one's soul.

Series by Michael Stagg

The following is a list of the series written by Michael Stagg with the correct order of books in each series.

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Nate Shepherd

In the heart of the legal world, Nate Shepherd stands as a beacon of justice, navigating the intricate maze of the courtroom with unmatched skill and integrity. Faced with complex cases and moral dilemmas, Shepherd proves time and again that his dedication to the truth is unwavering, making each victory more than just a legal triumph, but a testament to the human spirit's relentless pursuit of righteousness.
1. Lethal Defense2. True Intent3. Blind Conviction4. False Oath5. Just Plea6. Lost Proof7. Swift Judgment8. Cruel Sentence