Author: Mike Grist

Mike Grist, a master of dystopian landscapes and gripping action, crafts stories that dive deep into the heart of darkness and emerge with tales of hope and resilience. With a vivid imagination, Grist's novels are an explosive mix of thrilling adventures and thought-provoking themes, captivating readers who crave depth along with their suspense.

Series by Mike Grist

The following is a list of the series written by Mike Grist with the correct order of books in each series.

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Christopher Wren

Dive into the high-octane world of Christopher Wren, a former FBI interrogator and vigilante, who navigates the treacherous paths of criminal syndicates and global terrorism with unmatched ferocity and cunning. Each book in this electrifying series pulls you deeper into a web of intrigue, betrayal, and relentless action, challenging the boundaries between justice and revenge.
1. Saint Justice2. No Mercy3. Make Them Pay4. False Flag5. Firestorm6. Enemy of the People7. Backlash8. Never Forgive9. War of Choice10. Hammer of God