Author: Nathan Hystad

Nathan Hystad is a master of weaving riveting tales that blend science fiction with heart-stopping suspense. With books that traverse the unknowns of space to the depths of human resilience, Hystad crafts stories that not only entertain but provoke thought. His work is a must-read for anyone who loves to explore the 'what-ifs' of the universe while rooting for characters that feel as real as they are extraordinary.

Series by Nathan Hystad

The following is a list of the series written by Nathan Hystad with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Survivors

In 'The Survivors' series, Earth faces unprecedented danger when mysterious alien artifacts are discovered on our planet, leading humanity to an edge of interstellar intrigue and war. As secrets unravel, a small group of heroes emerges, embarking on a quest that will either save humanity or condemn it to extinction. Brace yourself for a thrilling journey through space, where the key to mankind's survival lies not only in the stars but in the strength of its people.
1. The Event2. New Threat3. New World4. The Ancients5. The Theos6. Old Enemy7. New Alliance8. The Gatekeepers9. New Horizon10. The Academy11. Old World12. New Discovery13. Old Secrets14. The Deities15. New Beginning16. New Lies17. The Colony18. New Galaxy19. The Portals20. The Search21. The Alliance22. Old History

The Glass

In 'The Glass' series, humanity stands on the brink of unprecedented discovery and peril as ancient artifacts with the power to reshape the future are unearthed. Through the eyes of archaeologists and adventurers, we dive deep into a world where every discovery holds the promise of prosperity or the threat of doom. Tensions rise as these relics, known as The Glass, become the center of a galactic struggle for power. The series seamlessly blends the thrill of exploration with the vast possibilities of science fiction, creating a saga where the past and the future collide.
1. The Other Place2. The Hidden Space3. The Secret Base