Author: Nic Saint

Nic Saint is the dynamic duo behind the charming and whimsically mysterious world of feline sleuths, cozy crimes, and magical meanderings. Crafting stories that intertwine the everyday with the fantastical, Nic Saint's novels are a delightful escapade into realms where cats not only talk but solve mysteries that baffle the human mind. With a knack for creating enchanting narratives and unforgettable characters, Nic Saint's books are a treasure trove for readers who love their mysteries served with a side of whimsy and wit.

Series by Nic Saint

The following is a list of the series written by Nic Saint with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Mysteries of Max

In the charming Mysteries of Max series, whisk yourself away into a world where cats don't just have nine lives, they also have an uncanny knack for unraveling the most perplexing mysteries. Follow Max, a witty and whiskered detective, as he teams up with his human counterparts to solve crimes in the quaint town they call home. With a mix of humor, intrigue, and feline finesse, these tales are purr-fect for those who believe the fluffiest members of our families hold the key to our hearts... and the clues to solving mysteries.
1. Purrfect Murder2. Purrfectly Deadly3. Purrfect Revenge4. Purrfect Heat5. Purrfect Crime6. Purrfect Rivalry7. Purrfect Peril8. Purrfect Secret9. Purrfect Alibi10. Purrfect Obsession11. Purrfect Betrayal12. Purrfectly Clueless13. Purrfectly Royal14. Purrfect Cut15. Purrfect Trap16. Purrfectly Hidden17. Purrfect Kill18. Purrfect Boy Toy19. Purrfectly Dogged20. Purrfectly Dead21. Purrfect Saint22. Purrfect Advice23. Purrfect Passion24. A Purrfect Gnomeful25. Purrfect Cover26. Purrfect Patsy27. Purrfect Son28. Purrfect Fool29. Purrfect Fitness30. Purrfect Setup31. Purrfect Sidekick32. Purrfect Deceit33. Purrfect Ruse34. Purrfect Swing35. Purrfect Cruise36. Purrfect Harmony37. Purrfect Sparkle38. Purrfect Cure39. Purrfect Cheat40. Purrfect Catch41. Purrfect Design42. Purrfect Life43. Purrfect Thief44. Purrfect Crust45. Purrfect Bachelor46. Purrfect Double47. Purrfect Date48. Purrfect Hit49. Purrfect Baby50. Purrfect Mess51. Purrfect Paris52. Purrfect Model53. Purrfect Slug54. Purrfect Match55. Purrfect Game56. Purrfect Bouquet57. Purrfect Home58. Purrfectly Slim59. Purrfect Nap60. Purrfect Yacht61. Purrfect Scam62. Purrfect Fury63. Purrfect Christmas64. Purrfect Gems65. Purrfect Demons66. Purrfect Show67. Purrfect Impasse68. Purrfect Charade69. Purrfect Zoo70. Purrfect Star71. Purrfect Ghost72. Purrfect Pills73. Purrfect Bookshop74. Purrfect Prince75. Purrfect Gold76. Purrfect Dragnet77. Purrfect Storm78. Purrfect Cancel79. Purrfect Virus80. Purrfect Guitar81. Purrfect Party82. Purrfect Kibble