Author: Olivia Wildenstein

Series by Olivia Wildenstein

The following is a list of the series written by Olivia Wildenstein with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Kingdom of Crows

In the heart of a world where magic and politics blend with unexpected alliances, 'The Kingdom of Crows' unfolds a tale of a young monarch fighting to reclaim her throne. Amidst the chaos of betrayals, ancient curses, and a war that threatens to tear everything apart, she finds strength in the most unlikely of places - a band of crows that are more than what they seem. This series is a mesmerizing journey through love, sacrifice, and the quest for power, where every choice comes with a shadow.
1. House of Beating Wings2. House of Pounding Hearts3. House of Striking Oaths4. House of Shifting Tides