Author: P. Djèlí Clark

P. Djèlí Clark is the mastermind behind enthralling narratives that meld the mystical allure of fantasy with the intricate tapestries of historical fiction. His unique ability to weave African mythology, steampunk, and alternative histories into compelling stories has captured the imaginations of readers around the world. Clark's works often explore themes of colonialism, cultural identity, and the struggle for freedom, making his stories not just entertaining but deeply thought-provoking.

Series by P. Djèlí Clark

The following is a list of the series written by P. Djèlí Clark with the correct order of books in each series.

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Dead Djinn Universe

In the Dead Djinn Universe, magic and steampunk technology interlace against the backdrop of an alternate Cairo. This series sweeps readers into a world where djinn walk the streets, and the unseen realms are as vivid as the bustling marketplaces. Through intricate plots and rich historical detail, Clark weaves tales of mystery, magic, and political intrigue, where humans and supernatural beings coexist in a delicate balance poised on the brink of chaos.
1. The Haunting of Tram Car 0152. Master of Djinn