Author: Paul Doiron

Paul Doiron weaves the tranquil beauty of the Maine wilderness with the dark underbelly of its small-town secrets. His protagonist, Game Warden Mike Bowditch, navigates murder, mystery, and the complexities of rural crime with a human touch that resonates with readers. Doiron's masterful storytelling not only entertains but also pays homage to the rugged landscapes and intricate dynamics of New England life.

Series by Paul Doiron

The following is a list of the series written by Paul Doiron with the correct order of books in each series.

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Mike Bowditch

In the heart of Maine's unforgiving wilderness, Game Warden Mike Bowditch stands as the thin green line between human nature and nature's law. With each case more mysterious and perilous than the last, Bowditch navigates through the shadows of his past and the unpredictable dangers of the present, proving his dedication to the protection of both the land and the communities that depend on it. This series offers a thrilling window into the complexities of conservation law enforcement, wrapped in the suspense and beauty of rural Maine.
1. The Poacher's Son2. Trespasser3. Bad Little Falls4. Massacre Pond5. The Bone Orchard6. The Precipice7. Widowmaker8. Knife Creek9. Stay Hidden10. Almost Midnight11. One Last Lie12. Dead by Dawn13. Hatchet Island14. Dead Man's Wake15. Pitch Dark