Author: Paul Levine

Paul Levine blends the sharp wit of legal intrigue with the pulse-pounding suspense of a thriller. Known for creating rich, complex characters, Levine takes readers on a journey through the gritty corridors of justice and into the heart of moral dilemmas. Once a trial lawyer himself, he infuses his works with authenticity and legal acumen, crafting stories that not only entertain but also provoke thought and discussion.

Series by Paul Levine

The following is a list of the series written by Paul Levine with the correct order of books in each series.

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Lassiter, Solomon & Lord

In the heart of Miami's steamy underbelly, Steve Solomon and Victoria Lord form an unlikely legal duo. With Solomon's street smarts and Lord's Ivy League education, they're a perfect cocktail of wit, grit, and courtroom savvy. Their opposing methods blend to create a sizzling partnership both in and out of court, unraveling complex cases with a dynamic and often humorous approach.
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