Author: Pierce Brown

Pierce Brown burst onto the science fiction scene with his electrifying Red Rising saga, painting a future where society is divided by color and one man rises to challenge the hierarchy. His narrative prowess weaves complex characters, high-stakes intrigue, and a deep, vividly imagined world that has captivated readers worldwide. Brown's flair for combining brutal action with thoughtful commentary on power, inequality, and redemption has distinguished him as a unique voice in modern sci-fi.

Series by Pierce Brown

The following is a list of the series written by Pierce Brown with the correct order of books in each series.

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Red Rising

In a color-coded society of the future, Darrow, a Red miner on Mars, discovers the shocking lie that has kept his class in chains. Driven by a quest for justice and revenge, he infiltrates the elite Gold ruling class, igniting a fiery revolution that will change the destiny of planets. 'Red Rising' is a tale of power, betrayal, and wild hope, where one man's desire for change leads him into the heart of a galactic uprising.
1. Red Rising2. Golden Son3. Morning Star4. Iron Gold5. Dark Age6. Light Bringer

Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View

Explore the expansive universe of Star Wars like never before with 'Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View'. This unique anthology series gathers forty authors, including Charlie Jane Anders, Fran Wilde, and Hank Green, to re-imagine the iconic moments of the original Star Wars trilogy from the perspectives of background characters. Experience the Galactic Empire's rise and the Rebel Alliance's struggle through fresh eyes, unveiling new layers and untold stories within the beloved saga.
1. From a Certain Point of View2. The Empire Strikes Back3. Return of the Jedi