Author: R.B. Schow

R.B. Schow weaves tales that tug at the fabric of reality, stitching together vivid worlds and complex characters. With a flair for the fantastic and a heart for the intricate, Schow's narratives dive deep into the realms of speculative fiction and fantasy. Each page is a journey, promising the thrill of adventure and the echo of the human experience.

Series by R.B. Schow

The following is a list of the series written by R.B. Schow with the correct order of books in each series.

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Atlas Hargrove

Dive into the thrilling adventures of Atlas Hargrove, where espionage blends with cutting-edge science, and betrayal lurks in the shadow of groundbreaking discoveries. Follow Atlas, a genius with a knack for uncovering secrets that others would kill to keep hidden, across a landscape where loyalty is scarce and danger is abundant. With technology that bends the line between possible and impossible, Hargrove races against time to unravel plots that threaten the very fabric of society. Will his brilliance be enough to outsmart enemies lurking in the dark?
1. The Tears of Odessa2. The Beasts of Juarez3. The Betrayal of Prague4. The Devil In Cologne5. The Butcher of Caracas6. The Martyr of Nogales7. The Cape Town Massacre