Author: Raven Kennedy

Raven Kennedy, the siren of dark fantasy and romance, weaves intricate tales where love battles shadows and hope flickers in the midst of despair. Her ability to create complex characters and immersive worlds has captivated readers seeking an escape into realms where the line between good and evil blurs. Kennedy's storytelling is a dance on the edge of darkness, with a flair for dramatic twists and profound emotional journeys.

Series by Raven Kennedy

The following is a list of the series written by Raven Kennedy with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Plated Prisoner

In 'The Plated Prisoner' series, a tale of resilience and betrayal unfolds as Auren, a woman enshrouded in secrets and gilded in a cage of lies, seeks her freedom and identity. Within the confines of a merciless kingdom, her journey weaves through the fine line between survival and the thirst for rebellion. As alliances shift and her powers awaken, Auren must decide if her destiny is one of submission or if she's destined to break free and shatter the golden chains of her prison.
1. Gild2. Glint3. Gleam4. Glow5. Gold6. Goldfinch