Author: Riley Lucinda

Riley Lucinda is a master storyteller, weaving tales of love, loss, and discovery against the backdrop of sweeping historical landscapes and modern sagas. Her writing is a tapestry of deep emotional connections, complex characters, and richly painted settings that transport readers across times and places. Lucinda's novels, often centered around family secrets and intertwining lives, strike a perfect balance between heartache and hope.

Series by Riley Lucinda

The following is a list of the series written by Riley Lucinda with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Seven Sisters

Sweeping across generations and continents, 'The Seven Sisters' series is a mesmerizing journey of discovery, as each of the seven adopted D'Aplièse sisters embarks on a quest to uncover their true heritage. Spanning from the buzzing streets of New York to the sun-drenched shores of Brazil and the ancient ruins of Greece, each sister's story is a tapestry of love, betrayal, and redemption, tied to the enigmatic figure of their adoptive father, Pa Salt.
1. The Seven Sisters2. The Storm Sister3. The Shadow Sister4. Pearl Sister5. The Moon Sister6. The Sun Sister7. The Missing Sister8. Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt