Author: Ryan Westfield

Ryan Westfield is a master of post-apocalyptic fiction, enthralling readers with tales of survival, resilience, and humanity's relentless spirit in the face of cataclysmic events. His gripping narratives not only explore the physical challenges of a world gone awry but also delve deep into the psychological battles that define us in moments of crisis.

Series by Ryan Westfield

The following is a list of the series written by Ryan Westfield with the correct order of books in each series.

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In the heart of a shattered nation, 'The EMP' series plunges readers into a chillingly plausible darkness where an electromagnetic pulse has thrust America into silence and darkness. Following the journey of James and his companions, survival is the daily quest in a world stripped of modern conveniences, where humanity is peeled back to its primal instincts. Bonds are forged and broken in a race against time and other survivors, where the only rule is to live another day.
1. Getting Out2. Staying Alive3. Pushing On4. Surviving Chaos5. Fighting Rough6. Defending Camp7. Getting Home8. Finding Shelter9. Forging Hope