Author: Seth Ring

Seth Ring crafts realms where the fantastical becomes tangible. With every tale, he intricately weaves the threads of science fiction and fantasy into narratives that speak of adventure and camaraderie, inviting readers to step into worlds where the possibilities stretch as far as the imagination can reach. A modern storyteller, Seth's work resonates with those who yearn for escape and the thrill of the unknown.

Series by Seth Ring

The following is a list of the series written by Seth Ring with the correct order of books in each series.

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Battle Mage Farmer

In a world where magic and might rule, one man discovers his latent powers not in battle, but in the soil of the earth. 'Battle Mage Farmer' follows the journey of an unlikely hero who transforms his simple farm into a bastion of power, fusing sorcery with agriculture. As he cultivates his land, he also cultivates his skills, preparing to defend his home and loved ones against looming dark forces. It's a tale of growth, grit, and green thumbs, proving that heroes can bloom in the least expected places.
1. Domestication2. Germination3. Cultivation4. Fermentation5. Transformation6. Preservation7. Separation8. Conservation


In the heart of a post-apocalyptic world, where humanity clings to survival amidst the ruins, the Tower stands as a beacon of hope and despair. Follow the journey of those brave enough to enter its walls, seeking power, redemption, or perhaps a new home. Through trials that test their limits and bonds forged in the face of unspeakable horrors, discover a story where every floor is a world unto itself, and every choice can mean the difference between life and death.
1. Forge Master2. Reforged3. Arcanist4. Ignition5. Bloodline6. Avatar