Author: Skyler Ramirez

Venture into the vibrant worlds crafted by Skyler Ramirez, where every sentence pulsates with life and imagination. A master of blending the mundane with the magical, Ramirez's storytelling invites readers on exhilarating adventures that speak to the soul. With a pen that paints both shadow and light, this author’s work is a beacon for lovers of deep, introspective fiction.

Series by Skyler Ramirez

The following is a list of the series written by Skyler Ramirez with the correct order of books in each series.

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Dumb Luck and Dead Heroes

In 'Dumb Luck and Dead Heroes,' experience an exhilarating ride through the underbelly of a city where the thin line between heroism and villainy blurs. Follow a ragtag band of unlikely protagonists who, armed with nothing but sheer dumb luck and questionable morals, stumble upon conspiracies far beyond their pay grade. Their misadventures are filled with unexpected humor, fleeting acts of bravery, and the relentless pursuit of not getting killed. Through their eyes, explore themes of friendship, the cost of courage, and the unpredictable nature of heroism in a world that doesn't quite understand the concept.
1. The Worst Ship in the Fleet2. The Worst Spies in the Sector3. The Worst Pirate Hunters in the Fringe4. The Worst Rescuers in the Republic5. The Worst Detectives in the Federation6. The Worst Traitors in the Confederacy