Author: Stacia Stark

Stacia Stark whisks readers away into worlds where magic bubbles beneath the surface, waiting to be unleashed. With a pen that dances across genres, Stark's tales are laced with intrigue, romance, and suspense, always edged with the fantastical. Her stories, rich in character development, promise an immersive experience that resonates with a wide audience. Stark's narrative voice is both unique and captivating, making each book a journey worth taking.

Series by Stacia Stark

The following is a list of the series written by Stacia Stark with the correct order of books in each series.

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Kingdom of Lies

In the Kingdom of Lies, truth is the most dangerous weapon. This thrilling series weaves a tale of intrigue, magic, and a quest for power that could unravel the very fabric of reality. Follow a cast of characters as they navigate a world where secrets hold the key to thrones and survival alike, and trust is as scarce as a true ally. Deception is the game, and the throne is the prize, but at what cost?
1. A Court This Cruel and Lovely2. A Kingdom This Cursed and Empty3. A Crown This Cold and Heavy4. A Queen This Fierce and Deadly