Author: William R. Forstchen

William R. Forstchen captures the hearts and minds of readers through his enthralling explorations of alternate history and apocalyptic fiction. Best known for his thought-provoking 'One Second After' series, Forstchen skillfully intertwines historical accuracy with speculative narratives, making you ponder the fragility of our modern world. His storytelling is a blend of meticulous research and imaginative leaps, ensuring every book is an unforgettable journey.

Series by William R. Forstchen

The following is a list of the series written by William R. Forstchen with the correct order of books in each series.

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John Matherson

In the John Matherson series, humanity is thrust into the dark ages by a devastating electromagnetic pulse attack, leaving America in complete chaos. Through the eyes of a small-town professor, John Matherson, we experience the struggles, resilience, and the community's fight to reclaim their world from the brink. It's a harrowing journey of survival, values, and what it means to be truly civilized in a world that has lost its way.
1. One Second After2. One Year After3. The Final Day4. Five Years After