Author: Zogarth

Zogarth is a master of weaving complex fantasy worlds that captivate the imagination from page one. Known for intricate plots and deeply developed characters, Zogarth's stories are a labyrinth of magic, mystery, and the enduring battle between good and evil. Each novel promises an adventure, plunging readers into realms where the impossible becomes possible and every corner hides secrets waiting to be unveiled.

Series by Zogarth

The following is a list of the series written by Zogarth with the correct order of books in each series.

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The Primal Hunter

In 'The Primal Hunter,' dive into an exhilarating universe where the boundary between hunter and hunted blurs. Follow the journey of a protagonist who awakens to a primal power within, navigating through a world filled with monstrous challenges and the relentless pursuit of becoming the apex predator. This gripping series combines the thrill of survival with the depth of character development, set in a richly imagined landscape that teeters on the brink of both danger and discovery.
1. The Primal Hunter2. The Primal Hunter 23. The Primal Hunter 34. Primal Hunter 45. Primal Hunter 56. The Primal Hunter 67. The Primal Hunter 78. The Primal Hunter 89. The Primal Hunter 9