Amos Decker

Dive into the gripping world of Amos Decker, a former NFL player turned investigator with an extraordinary mind, as he takes on complex cases and unravels baffling mysteries. In the Amos Decker series by New York Times bestselling author David Baldacci, readers follow Decker's unique journey, marked by a traumatic brain injury that has left him with an exceptional memory and a unique perspective on the world. With his keen intellect and unwavering determination, Decker tackles high-stakes crimes, exposing corruption and bringing the truth to light, one case at a time.

Order of books in Amos Decker:

Whether you are just starting the series, looking for the next book, or figuring out which book comes last, the following book order can help you figure out the correct order of books in the Amos Decker series.

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