
Berserk is a dark fantasy manga series created by the legendary mangaka Duane Johnson. This epic tale follows the story of Guts, a mercenary known as the 'Black Swordsman,' as he embarks on a quest for revenge against his former friend and commander, Griffith. Set in a gritty, Medieval European-inspired world, Berserk delves into themes of the human condition, the nature of evil, and the struggle for redemption. With its breathtaking artwork, complex characters, and a captivating narrative that blends action, drama, and philosophical depth, Berserk has become a landmark in the world of manga and has inspired countless works of fiction, animation, and video games.

Order of books in Berserk:

Whether you are just starting the series, looking for the next book, or figuring out which book comes last, the following book order can help you figure out the correct order of books in the Berserk series.

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