Defiance of the Fall

Defiance of the Fall is a gripping LitRPG series that follows the journey of Zac, an ordinary man who finds himself thrust into a world where the laws of reality have been shattered. After a mysterious cataclysmic event, humanity is faced with the emergence of powerful beings, deadly monsters, and a new power system that forever changes the course of civilization. As Zac navigates this perilous new landscape, he must learn to harness his own unique abilities, forge alliances, and confront the challenges that stand in his way. With each thrilling installment, readers are taken on a captivating adventure filled with intense battles, thought-provoking philosophical explorations, and the pursuit of a greater purpose in a world on the brink of collapse. Join Zac as he defies the fall and fights to carve out a future for himself and humanity in this immersive and action-packed LitRPG series.

Order of books in Defiance of the Fall:

Whether you are just starting the series, looking for the next book, or figuring out which book comes last, the following book order can help you figure out the correct order of books in the Defiance of the Fall series.

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