
Welcome to the captivating world of the Mageri series by Dannika Dark. This urban fantasy saga follows the journey of Silver, a powerful mage who is thrust into a hidden supernatural society and must navigate the complexities of her newfound abilities, relationships, and the dangerous forces that seek to control her. As Silver discovers the truth about her past and her role in a larger conflict, she is forced to confront her own demons and make difficult choices that will shape the course of her life and the lives of those around her. Packed with action, romance, and thought-provoking themes, the Mageri series is a must-read for anyone who loves immersive, character-driven storytelling in the realm of the paranormal.

Order of books in Mageri:

Whether you are just starting the series, looking for the next book, or figuring out which book comes last, the following book order can help you figure out the correct order of books in the Mageri series.

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