Old Man's War

The Old Man's War series by John Scalzi is a thrilling and imaginative military science fiction saga. It follows the adventures of John Perry, a 75-year-old man who joins the Colonial Defense Forces to fight against alien threats, only to discover a vast and complex universe filled with unexpected challenges and allies. As he navigates the perils of interstellar combat, Perry grapples with the moral complexities of warfare, the nature of humanity, and the search for his own purpose in a constantly evolving cosmos. With its compelling characters, rich worldbuilding, and thought-provoking themes, the Old Man's War series has captivated readers and earned critical acclaim.

Order of books in Old Man's War:

Whether you are just starting the series, looking for the next book, or figuring out which book comes last, the following book order can help you figure out the correct order of books in the Old Man's War series.

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