Star Force

Immerse yourself in the thrilling adventures of the Star Force series by Aer-ki Jyr. This epic space opera follows the exploits of the Star Force, a highly trained military unit tasked with defending humanity against a relentless alien threat. As they navigate the vast expanse of the cosmos, the members of the Star Force confront complex moral dilemmas, unveil hidden conspiracies, and engage in pulse-pounding battles that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Join these courageous heroes as they fight to preserve the future of humanity and uncover the true nature of the enigmatic alien civilization that seeks to destroy them.

Order of books in Star Force:

Whether you are just starting the series, looking for the next book, or figuring out which book comes last, the following book order can help you figure out the correct order of books in the Star Force series.

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1. Origin Series (1-4)2. Origin Series (5-8)3. Origin Series (9-1)4. Origin Series (13-16)5. Origin Series (17-0)6. Origin Series (1-4)7. Origin Series (5-8)8. Origin Series (9-3)9. Origin Series (33-36)10. Origin Series (37-40)11. Origin Series (41-44)12. Origin Series (45-48)13. Origin Series (49-5)14. Origin Series (53-56)15. Origin Series (57-60)16. Origin Series (61-64)17. Origin Series (65-68)18. Origin Series (69-7)19. Origin Series (73-76)20. Origin Series (77-80)21. Origin Series (81-84)22. Origin Series (85-88)23. Origin Series (89-9)24. Origin Series (93-96)25. Origin Series (97-100)26. Earth Evacuation27. Mak'to'ran 128. Mak'to'ran 229. Mak'to'ran 330. Mak'to'ran 431. Mak'to'ran 532. Endless Crusade33. Lost Destiny34. Evasion35. Persistent Ravage36. The Admiral37. Ice Queen38. Uriti Strike39. Return to Earth40. Rift41. Excalibur42. Scorpion43. Baron44. Summit45. The Dinosaur War46. Equity47. Fracture48. Forsaken49. Instinct50. Dominance51. Essence52. Dawn of the Apocalypse53. Uriti Tamer54. Ysalamir55. Lurker56. Extirpation57. Vargemma58. Spawn of the Lightside59. Legacy of the Ancients60. Clash of the Demigods61. Keyholders62. Phoenix63. Galactic Empire Revealed64. LITrpg65. First Contact Fallout66. The Forbidden Space Fleet67. Death Mark68. Atonement69. The Forever Empire70. Captains Mint71. The Powers That Be72. Symbiosis73. Capitulation74. Carnage75. Metamorphosis76. Point Zero77. Maty78. Whitmore Day79. Enlightenment80. Reclaimers81. Blue Blades82. Blood on the Stars83. Reignor84. Temple Wars85. Gateways86. Deus Ex87. Gauntlet Wars88. Andromeda89. House Phoenix90. Mind Raider91. Fateless Victory

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