Wheel of Time

The Wheel of Time is a high fantasy series by the late Robert Jordan, later completed by Brandon Sanderson. It follows the journey of Rand al'Thor, a young man destined to become the prophesied 'Dragon Reborn' and lead the fight against the Dark One, a powerful evil entity seeking to break free and enslave humanity. Set in a richly detailed world with its own unique magic system, the series spans 14 books and explores themes of prophecy, power, and the struggle between light and darkness. Readers are immersed in a vast, epic tale of adventure, intrigue, and the ultimate battle for the fate of the world.

Order of books in Wheel of Time:

Whether you are just starting the series, looking for the next book, or figuring out which book comes last, the following book order can help you figure out the correct order of books in the Wheel of Time series.

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