
The Xenogenesis series by Octavia E. Butler is a captivating science fiction trilogy that explores themes of humanity, gender, and the relationship between humans and aliens. The series follows the story of Lilith Iyapo, a woman who awakens after centuries of suspended animation to find that her species has been saved from extinction by the alien Oankali, who offer her and other humans a chance to rebuild their civilization. As Lilith navigates her new reality, she grapples with the Oankali's unique biology and the ethical dilemmas that arise from their intervention. The series delves into complex questions of identity, power, and the future of the human race, all while delivering a page-turning narrative that showcases Butler's masterful storytelling and thought-provoking ideas.

Order of books in Xenogenesis:

Whether you are just starting the series, looking for the next book, or figuring out which book comes last, the following book order can help you figure out the correct order of books in the Xenogenesis series.

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